Port & Corridor Mission to Johannesburg

Date: 28-06-2013
Location: Johannesburg / South Africa
This week SANEC and Port and Corridor Cooperation facilitated a mission from the Netherlands to South Africa to visit the Africa Ports and Harbours Show 2013.
The delegation consisted of 10 companies active in the transport and logistics sector, who came together at the Holland Pavilion at the trade show. During the week, extensive time was allocated for knowledge transfer through the masterclasses given by the Dutch delegation.
Other elements of the mission programme included a site visit to the to be developed inland port Tambo Springs, business to business meetings between the delegates and South African counterparts and a visit to the Transnet Head Office for a constructive meeting with the Commercial Planning Department of Transnet.
This mission was an element of the three year 2g@there programme, and will be followed up with a mission from South Africa to the Netherlands in November this year.
For further contact or application for participation please contact Mark Reyneker via [email protected] or +31 (0)70 347 0781.