Interview JobnetAfrica
Interview with Inez Willeboordse - JobnetAfrica
1. How could you best describe your organization?
JobnetAfrica is the number one website for international jobs in Africa. We recruit for companies active on the African continent. But at least as important, our new website is a platform that reaches tens of thousands people interested in jobs in Africa where companies can advertise their jobs and jobseekers can opt to be premium members, so they have maximum visibility for employers.
2. What makes your organization/ company/ service different from others?
JobnetAfrica focuses on the whole of Africa and our network is already extensive and growing by the day. So it is very interesting for companies that want to advertise or let us do their recruitment. We have an interactive website where companies can upload their jobs themselves and jobseekers can upload their profile and become premium members. On the other hand JobnetAfrica is also a very personal company; no answering machines, automatized e-mails etc. We are easy to reach, will answer your questions quickly and are always in for a chat.
3. What can customers expect from your organization?
I can be short about this question: complete dedication, personal interest and professionalism! As for the advertisements and premium memberships on our website, they can expect full exposure to tens of thousands of people and hundreds of companies interested in jobs and jobseekers in Africa.
4. Why did you start working in the industry you do?
While I was living and working in Malawi I met a lot of companies who asked me: “Where can I, for my company, find professionals like you?”. I also met a lot of people asking me where I found this job in Africa. I realized that there wasn’t really a platform that brought these two groups together and the idea was formed and a little bit later a company was founded.
5. What have your biggest obstacles been in trying to expand your organization?
We started the company as WerkinAfrika and realized later that to attract more international traffic this name was not good enough. So we changed the name to JobnetAfrica, built a new website, made new social media profiles etc. Especially building the website with all the new features was a road with ups and downs, but we are very pleased with the result, although there are of course always things to improve.
6. How can SANEC help with positioning your company?
SANEC is a great organization with, just like JobnetAfrica, an extensive network and we can surely get more exposure through SANEC’s media. We’ve already learned a lot from SANEC in terms of understanding the market and we are sure we can learn even more. We think JobnetAfrica is a very interesting party for a lot companies that are linked with SANEC, so do not hesitate to contact us or of course to advertise on!